Kerry Wilson

As a Jubilee Leader

● current member of the Ontario Jubilee leadership team and discerning circle
● spiritual director
● supervisor
● educator and facilitator
● music teacher

As a daughter, mother and wife, Kerry is a passionate, ongoing student of the school of life, having taken life’s hardships and woven spiritual threads through them. Kerry was spiritually formed in the United Church as well as through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, and has worked in education throughout her life. She has a passion for directing the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, as well as training in the concepts of applied mindfulness, embodied spirituality, IFS, NVC, grief work, The Work that Reconnects (Joanna Macy), Celtic and feminist spirituality, labyrinth leadership, the enneagram, creativity & spiritual direction, and dream work. She was delighted to join the Jubilee team in 2022, bringing a deep background in consensus decision making and justice issues, embracing diversity as she creates welcoming space for those outside of the mainstream.

As a Spiritual Companion

Kerry, an experienced spiritual director since 1997, sees herself as a “spiritual midwife” who helps to hear others’ spiritual journeys into being. Listening deeply, with one ear on God and the other on her directee, she holds safe space for going deep.

 “I believe that life is a spiritual journey, and in spiritual direction we gently explore your understanding and experience of “God/the Sacred” (in whatever way you may name it) in all of your life. Guided by God, my role is to hold safe space, to be deeply present to what we hear, and to support your growth, exploration of spiritual practice, and deepening of relationship with God as you engage in this sacred journey of discovery.”

 Kerry is part of Guelph’s Ecumenical Christian community and a member in good standing of Spiritual Directors International, abiding by their ethical standards. Kerry offers in-person or electronic one-to-one spiritual direction, supervision of other directors, workshops, and retreats for adults and youth. She is deeply committed to contemplative living and enjoys organic gardening and slow food, fibre arts, living towards zero waste, hiking and folk music – all as part of life as a spiritual journey.

Contact Information:
Guelph, Ontario


Catharine Mitchell


Kathy Fraser