Catharine Mitchell

“My listening is different from that of many professional listeners,

in that I listen for how the holy penetrates lives.

I am there to help people discover the ways

their lives are imbued with spirituality.

This is spiritual direction.”

(Susan Phillips, in Candlelight. New York: Morehouse Publishing, 2008, p. 1.)

As a Jubilee Leader

  • current member of the leadership team and discerning circle

  • program coordinator for Ontario Jubilee

  • spiritual director

  • supervisor

  • educator

  • Veriditas-trained labyrinth facilitator

After being nourished by thirty years as an elementary school teacher, I retired to devote myself full-time to my study of the Sacred, graduating from the Ontario Jubilee program in 2019.

I have spent many years studying the language of the Sacred known as Symbol – through the Arts (poetry, journaling, visual arts, and music), through the understanding of Archetypes as patterns in our lives (e.g., through dreams, archetypal astrology, and the Enneagram), and through the exploration of the deep relationship between Science/Nature and the Divine. Other areas of particular resonance for me are the Divine Feminine, Diversity/Inclusion and Social Justice, Nature as a container of Divine Presence, Genealogy as a spiritual search, and the Ignatian Exercises in Daily Life. I am a Veriditas-Trained Labyrinth Facilitator.

As a Spiritual Companion

I have always been a seeker. Though I was raised in the Christian tradition, since childhood I have been fascinated by what other belief systems found Holy. Perhaps it is my deep Celtic roots which keep me on the lookout for that one true thread which runs through all traditions. One of my main motivators for responding to the vocation of spiritual direction has been the sense that there are many people today who have been confused, disillusioned, or even hurt by their traditions, people who are bereft without a sense of belonging in a swiftly-changing world. Others are looking for ways to transcend boundaries and focus on what connects us as a global community rather than on that which divides us. Having wrestled with these questions myself with my sense of the Sacred not only alive, but flourishing, has awakened a willingness and a desire to be available to walk with others as they explore these themes.

I meet with folks in person (including on hikes and labyrinth walks), by phone, or through Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime.

Contact Information:
Cambridge, Ontario


Paul Miki


Kerry Wilson