Vickie MacArthur

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Spiritual companioning feels like an ancient and deep way of being in sacred relationship together, of being seen and listened to in a way that allows us to reveal our deepest self: our doubts, our fears, our joy, our dreams. It offers us a new beginning, ever fresh, ever new, seeing and being seen with eyes of unconditional love that reflects the love of who we truly are. It is like being on a spiritual pilgrimage, weaving the many strands of our life together to create a new story that resonates in our heart, and heals our thirsty souls.

What gifts do I bring to this path?

A Deep Love and Hunger for God:
My longing for God has guided me to listen deeply to my own heart and body through embodied practices of yoga and breath, movement and silence. As a long time yoga and meditation teacher, I will share and reflect these practices in our time together.

Dedication to My Own Spiritual Formation:
I cannot offer you the gift of true presence, without being grounded and in touch with the Loving Presence that holds and enfolds us all.

The Spaciousness of Silence:
Through many years of silent retreats in both Christian and Buddhist traditions, I have been learning the value of silence and contemplation in my relationship with life and the Mystery we call God. I will invite and honor moments of silent contemplation in our time together, creating space for Spirit to speak, and your own insight to emerge.

My Inter-Spiritual Heart and Gifts of Community:
Rooted, and ordained in my Christian community, while also immersed in the teachings and practices of my Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, I feel a deep sense of the sacred in all religions and traditions. My inter-spiritual heart will honor whatever spiritual tradition(s) and practices you bring to our time together, as if they were my own.

“You’re already that which you’re seeking.
You’re already that which you’re longing for.”
– Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh

I offer spiritual companioning in person, by phone, and online, depending on your comfort and preference.

Contact Information
Lethbridge, Alberta


Kari Krogh


Ted Harrison