Nicola Usher

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I have been a registered massage therapist since 1989, with a focus now in craniosacral therapy. I was a part of the leadership team with Ontario Jubilee, from 2010-2020, as I brought body awareness, mindfulness, and movement as a spiritual practice.

I graduated from the Pacific Jubilee Program in 2013 as a spiritual director, have been a trained teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion since 2017, and completed a three year training program that offers trauma recovery work through Somatic Experiencing in 2019.

I am inspired by the deep wisdom and healing available to us through attuning to the body, and I feel this is the heart of a spiritual companioning session when I am working with people. Our body speaks to us through sensations, images, a felt-sense, emotions, emergent body movements, inner knowing, story-telling, and meaning-making. As we centre this language and feel the guidance of Presence, we are able to connect with what is important to us and what brings a sense of peace.

I offer spiritual direction in person, by phone or zoom and I offer contemplative bodywork as an optional component of a session.

Contact Information
Sebringville, Ontario


Linda Hill


Emily Cherneski