Emily Cherneski

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Emily describes herself as “a spiritual being on a human journey,” and she believes “to accompany an individual on their spiritual journey of exploration is a privilege.”

She sees every interaction, whether with people or the natural world, as an experience of grace. “Finding the extraordinary within the ordinary gives meaning and richness to our human journey.”

Emily has a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) and a Master of Arts.  She graduated from the Pacific Jubilee Program in Spiritual Direction in 2006.  Emily is a spiritual director/mentor/companion and she’s also a Reiki Master.

“Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.”
~ Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Contact Information
Vancouver, British Columbia

Emily is available for spiritual companioning or Reiki sessions in person, by Skype, Zoom or phone.


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