Linda McLaren


I am a compassionate individual who is dedicated to creating space for growth and awakening our connection to the world around us. I am an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada. I have been trained in the art of spiritual direction through the Pacific Jubilee Program of Soul Guiding. I completed the program in the fall of 2022 and am currently a spiritual companion in the 23 – 25 cohort.

I draw upon my life experiences and love for contemplative practice and connection with the mystical in my offering of spiritual direction. My worldview has been shaped by my life experiences, inclusive faith, my past vocation as a registered nurse, a year of Clinical Pastoral Education, involvement in Healing Pathway and my belief that we all seek to be known, to belong and to have a meaningful purpose.

I am a mystic at heart who believes we are all created to be loving relational beings and that when we tap into energy, we become co-creators with the divine for the flourishing of the world. Spiritual direction provides the heart space to listen for this wisdom within us all.

In spiritual direction, I believe we are being accompanied by grace and wisdom far greater than our own two selves. I relate to this wisdom as spirit, the Christ, God, sacred presence of love. I also understand and respect that each individual has their own way of knowing and naming this loving presence.

I am passionate about offering spiritual direction/soul guiding services to those seeking to deepen their connection with themselves, others, and the sacred.

Parker J. Palmer talks about how the soul is shy, that we need to make space for it, give it time and care to be in regular communion and conversation … When I give my spirit time to “be,” when I encounter it with love and appreciation, when I sing to it and listen to what it may have been waiting to say, when I stop rushing to the next thing, it steps toward me, it lifts its head and opens its arms.

Contact Information
Jasper, Alberta

I offer spiritual direction online, by phone or in person.


Frances (Fran) Aird


Natalie (Nan) Maxson