The Trees: A Reflection upon the Circle of Life

The trees at Awenda Provincial Park which inspired Frances to write this reflection

The Trees

By Frances (Fran) Aird

I stood and observed the trees:

tall and stately and still full of green leaves.

So brave, knowing that they must let those leaves go - their whole season's work - birthed from tiny buds, now grown to maturity.

And they must let them go!

Some will reach their peak as beautiful colours, some will grow to impressive size, and all will fall.

And the trees stand:

Through snow and sleet and wind...resting, alone, withdrawing their energy to sustain the attack of winter,

and confident - full of faith - that come spring there will be new leaves to birth!

How do the trees know?

    Do the old trees tell the young ones what will happen?

    Do they tell the stories and support them as they face their first loss?

    Do they teach them that another spring will come and there will be new birthings - more life to give?

Can we learn from the trees?

Can we have faith that each cycle, each phase of our lives, will bring new birthings...and the old must fall away to make room for new buds to form and develop?

The old leaves are not replaced, superseded.

They graced the tree for a season, providing shade and beauty and their scar remains forever, evidence that they were there, fulfilled their purpose and moved on to make room for the next generation.

And through all the cycles of years the tree must stand tall - despite its losses - and be confident that its purpose is to provide nourishment for each succeeding generation.

Do they grieve?

Do the old ones tell the stories?

Frances (Fran) Aird is a spouse, mother, grandmother, retired Anglican clergy, and spiritual companion.


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