Victor Alfred Harder

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Before you… my fellow seeker… connect with me. I have made a cup of my favorite direct trade sourced single estate coffee, lit a candle and spent some time in silence.  I am creating a space for us both to be in, to explore what may come.

When you arrive, we check in with each other, caring for each other as people and not only as spiritual companions.  We agree on where and how to start, maybe in response to the simple question “How are you arriving today?”

I do this work for many reasons, mostly because I love learning about God/Divine/Mystery as she manifests in you and me and our struggles to find our way.  I think it is all about Relationships; how/who we are in relationship to each other, and how we are in relationship to the powerful force at the core of everything, even us.

I come to our conversations with a background in executive and leadership coaching, coach mentoring and supervision and years of working on myself through the crucible of marriage.  I do men’s work, following the principles of Richard Rohr, and the Illuman Society, a global community committed to supporting men who are seeking to deepen their spiritual lives.

I had the privilege of very nearly leaving this planet forever in 2018 and spent some lovely time in the luminous darkness on the “other side” of life.  It was a truly glorious experience in liminal space and firmly cemented my previous academic experiences of an M.A. in Comparative Religions and the Pacific Jubilee SoulGuiding program into the here and now.  I am much further along my own path, having shifted a great deal from believing/hoping to knowing/being in a way that I can’t really describe.

I come to this work, identifying mostly as an Enneagram type 8.  If that means nothing to you, that’s great…. no preconceived notions or boxes to be put into.  If it does, know that I can be both deeply empathetic and deeply honest and direct.  You won’t get away with BS when we are together.  Journeying together is both wonderfully supportive and hugely challenging.  Serious stuff.

I could quote Rumi or Hafiz or Jesus or Mohammed or Ghandi here… but will try something a bit more in line with my character:

“From the point of ignition, to the final drive. The point of the journey is not to arrive.”
– Neil Peart, of Rush

Contact Information
Calgary, Alberta


Tom Cashman


Peggy Guiler