Shelly Manley-Tannis

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I love to connect my delight in story, creation, and people when I work with individuals and groups in retreats, workshops and spiritual direction. I trained with the Prairie Jubilee Program from 2004 -2006 and some of the experiences and interests I bring to my work include Enneagram studies, experience with the Center for Courage and Renewal, expressive arts, archetypal language, a love of nature and over 18 years of ordained ministry in the United Church of Canada.

I believe that what is important for individuals and faith communities is that we help equip one another to go into the world, strengthened by a spiritual life that is open and accepting as well as deep and meaningful. Often Christian and other faith communities are seen by outsiders as places of judgement, limits and stuffy people who believe there is only one right answer. For me, living out my discipleship as a follower of Christ is not about narrowing our perspective, giving people the ‘right’ answers, or judging others’ decisions, but about living abundantly in the midst of the worlds’ messages of scarcity and difference. Every time we step out into the world we are surrounded by people of diverse backgrounds and stories that are just longing for comfort, for a different way to see and for deep connection.

Spiritual direction or companioning is a part of my life’s work that I truly enjoy. The opportunity to meet with people, to offer safe space and to help others listen for and name God’s presence in their lives is a real gift. To be witness to another’s inner growth and to be trusted with each one’s story is a blessing.

“…this business of becoming conscious…is ultimately about asking yourself: How alive am I willing to be?” ~ Anne Lamott

Shelly lives, works and plays in Saskatoon, Treaty 6 territory and homeland of the Metis.


Susan Butler-Jones


Janet Groen