Rick McCorrister

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Rick has 25 years experience working in spiritual direction and spiritual formation. He is a devoted spiritual director, group facilitator, and retreat and pilgrimage leader. His unique work with individuals and groups as a Spiritual Director and workshop/retreat facilitator focuses on strengthening one’s spiritual journey through the practice of prayer, meditation, mindfulness, and working with the Archetypes, Sacred Movements, the Enneagram, and the Labyrinth.

Rick is an Ordained Minister in the United Church of Canada. He completed the Pacific Jubilee Program in Spiritual Formation and Direction in 2002 and went on to become a staff member in the Prairie Jubilee Program from 2002 – 2012. He is also a current member of Spiritual Directors International.

He has studied the Enneagram extensively since 1995 and the sacred movements and teachings of George Gurdjieff since 2000. In addition, his work with archetypal energies and the labyrinth has been ongoing for several years.


Janet Groen


Joanie Peters