Larry Doyle

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“Journeying ever deeper into the Way of Jesus.”

Musician. Minister. Mystic? That’s what my Twitter page says anyway. I serve a wonderfully vibrant church called Faith United in Courtice, ON (eastern edge of the GTA). I began my career as a high school music teacher before I was ordained into the United Church of Canada.

I am a graduate of the Ontario Jubilee spiritual direction program (2012) which led me to do a Doctor of Ministry degree in Spirituality. My thesis was called The Presence Project which is an immersion process designed to infuse every aspect of participant’s lives with awareness and mindfulness of God’s Presence, both in church and beyond. The centre point of the project is this affirmation and prayer:

“Surely God is in this place! Help me notice!”

(Try saying that whenever you enter a room and watch what happens!)

I’m married with adult children, and my passions are praise music, spirituality, theology, contemplative prayer, and resourcing people’s spiritual journeys. I’m a big fan of Richard Rohr and Teresa of Avila, but Brother Lawrence is my hero. I’m also a runner, singer/songwriter, soccer fan (Go Arsenal!), and have never met a chocolate chip cookie I didn’t like!

Larry, a graduate of the Ontario Jubilee program, became part of the Discernment Circle in 2016, serving for six years, to support the Ontario Jubilee staff. “It has been a pleasure to serve on the Ontario Jubilee Discernment Circle which keeps me connected to what I call the Jubilee groove.” Subsequently, in 2021/2022 Larry served as a staff mentor for Phase 1.

Contact information

Bowmanville, ON


Bob Dueck


Tom Esakin