Ralph Brubacher

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As a Jubilee Leader

  • current member of the discerning circle and JSAI (Board)

  • previous member of the leadership team (2015 to 2021)

  • spiritual companion

  • supervisor for spiritual directors

  • life-long learner

  • educator and facilitator

After a fulfilling 34 year teaching career in secondary and elementary education, both in special education and regular classes, I received spiritual direction training through the Ontario Jubilee Program and have been accompanying individuals since 2012.

I have continued my learning by attending training sessions on topics such as the Enneagram, supervision, befriending death, Ignatian Spirituality and male spirituality. My spiritual life has been enriched by my experiences as a husband, father and grandfather.

I am a member of Spiritual Directors International and Mennonite Spiritual Directors of Eastern Canada.

As a Spiritual Companion

Honouring the stories of seekers, without judgement, is central to my approach to spiritual accompaniment. I believe we are born with an all-encompassing awareness of Divine Love. As we experience losses in life, we begin to feel disconnected from the Source of Love. Spiritual accompaniment is about tending to our relationship with the Divine, our experience of the sacred in daily life and opening to the sacred flow of life already within us. Spiritual practices, especially spending time in silence, help us to loosen our grip on emotional attachments and defences, giving us a more compassionate perspective of ourselves and others.

As a runner, the connection between running and spirituality intrigues me and I enjoy offering workshops on running and spirituality. For three years, I co-facilitated a six-part pastors’ seminar series on the topic of Practicing Congregational Ministry from a Spiritual Guidance Stance. In various church contexts, I have taken on leaderships roles with a primary focus on pastoral care. I facilitate silent retreats and offer spiritual direction to retreat participants.

I meet in person with people of all ages and faith experiences in my home and at Five Oaks Retreat Centre, or by Skype, Zoom or telephone. I also offer supervision to spiritual directors.

“The human journey is a symphony of movement and rest, progress and regress, effort and consent, holding and releasing.” ~ David Benner

Contact information

St Jacobs, Ontario


Dale Bially


Dale Guenter