How Jubilee Came to Be…


Initially in Hebrew practice and later in Christian observance, the year of Jubilee was a vision of radical justice: every 50th year was a time to restore a balance of power – economically, socially and environmentally – and a time of deep rest for all people, creatures and the land. It was a time for all to return home, for all to flourish, returning to an experience of God’s original blessing with peace, freedom and abundance for all. 

 Don Grayston, a co-founder of the Jubilee program, was interested in applying this vision of radical justice and freedom to himself and others. He was convinced that contemplative practices would lead us home to justice and peace and that a contemplative spiritual direction program was an essential component to supporting people on their homeward journey. 

 This was the original inspiration that led to the name “Jubilee.”

Don Grayston    1939 - 2017

Don Grayston 1939 - 2017


The Spirit of Jubilee lives on…

The Jubilee programs continue to embody this vision of radical justice as we strive to teach and model compassionate, respectful living that honours all persons, creatures and the land.