Being with What Is

photograph by Julie Elliot

photograph by Julie Elliot

One year ago, a new cohort of SoulGuiding began. In the 33 years of the program, it was a beginning like no other. We could not meet in person because of the pandemic – so we took a brave step into the virtual world of Zoom. Who would have guessed what we would live through this year: repeating pandemic waves, uncertain risk and protection, upheaval and loss in our personal lives, increasing political polarization, massive human migration, systemic racism brought to light, and environmental catastrophe.  

Once again, this September, we are unable to meet in person due to the pandemic. The fourth wave is keeping us apart and at home for the third of five residencies over the two-year program. Yet, our community is engaged.  Each participant, in their unique way, has deepened, grown, and been transformed during this year. The words agility and curiosity have been present; as well as openness and adaptability. We have learned to rethink how it’s always been done. Of course, we'd love to meet in person (and one wonders if our only group photo will be a screen shot) but we are becoming adept at the spiritual practice of being with what is. 
The following blessing describes the work that our SoulGuiding community is doing. May it be an affirmation and encouragement for us all – as we acknowledge we're in these turbulent times together.

A Blessing for Perspective
by Julie Elliot

May you have freedom from one limited perspective,
knowing any fixed point of attention
can't possibly reveal the whole

May you feel safe
to zoom in and out,
taking in
and letting go,
moving through
what you think you know
to arrive more fully
at what's in front of you.

May you find companions
who offer new perspectives
simply through presence.
giving space for something new
to be shown.

May you seek silence
to change
the old ways of perceiving - 
patterned thinking
that keeps one eye on fear
with the other eye closed.

May you see
so much is unfolding
in you, around you,
through you.
A new perspective
is offering itself
in every moment
asking only to be here. 

And may you find blessings in your days,

Dale Guenter, Julie Elliot, Shirley Vollett, Tim Scorer
Program Mentors


Thanksgiving Blessing


Grief and Gratitude